My name is Alessandra, by day I’m a registered nurse in the operating room. Since childhood, my parents raised me to be kind to Mother Nature and to respect our environment. Over the years I came to realize just how much waste we produce each and every day. Many of the products we use each and every morning to start our day generate waste (like, why do toothpaste tubes come packaged in an unnecessary box?). This realization has sparked a passion that has lead me to my new journey...opening a Refillery right here in Georgina, Ontario! All of the products we carry are sustainably made in Canada, and are naturally derived, without any harmful chemicals or additives.
My goal is to make green living easily accessible to our community. Please join me on my waste reduction journey! 🌎 🌎 🌎
What’s a Refillery you ask? Great question!
A Refillery is an eco friendly, plastic free store which allows you to stock up on household items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, cleaning products, and cosmetics using refillable containers to eliminate all of the waste!